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Minerals in Thalheim Healing Water



Our body needs sodium in comparatively large amounts. It helps to regulate fluid levels, it helps to control blood plasma and blood pressure, and to maintain the acid-base balance. Sodium is particularly important for proper muscle and nerve function.



The particular importance of potassium lies, among other things, in its influence on the correct functioning of physiological processes inside every single cell of our body. It also plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses; possible consequences of a potassium deficiency therefore include problems with muscle contraction, heart function and the regulation of blood pressure.



Calcium helps to build bones and teeth and is the most abundant mineral in the body. Calcium also stabilises cell walls and is involved in many processes in the body, including blood clotting, the transmission of nerve impulses, and the triggering of signals in cells and muscles.



Magnesium is involved in an incredible number of processes and enzymatic reactions in our body, for example, in the formation of bones and teeth, in the communication between nerve cells and between nerve and muscle cells, and in the process of fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Magnesium is crucial in the regulation of muscle contraction as well as for cardiac activity.



An adequate supply of chloride is essential for the proper regulation of our fluid levels, electrolyte metabolism and acid-base balance; it plays an important role in maintaining osmotic pressure and is a component of gastric juice. Together with sodium, chloride regulates blood pressure.



The natural sulphur compound sulphate aids digestion by trapping water in the lower sections of the intestine. Sulphate stimulates the flow of bile and the production of digestive juices by the liver and pancreas. In conjunction with magnesium and calcium, sulphate becomes even more effective.



Hydrogen carbonate, also known as bicarbonate, is a natural pH buffer and responsible for maintaining the pH of our blood. The amount of hydrogen carbonate produced by the body is often not enough to neutralise a sufficient number of acids, given the unbalanced diets that are so common today. Which makes an external supply even more important.



The mood-enhancing effect of lithium is already well documented in ancient history. Today, it is supported by modern scientific studies – including one that identified a direct correlation between the lithium concentration in the groundwater and the subjective feeling of happiness among the local population. Since the 20th century, lithium has also been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of mental disorders.